A holiday season never passes without pre-holiday advice against overeating and packing on extra weight – followed a few weeks later with tired “post-holiday tips” on how to take it off again. It is the same every year. Let’s challenge ourselves to make this year a bit different. Read those imminent “how to take the holiday weight off” bromides with a smile, and go into the 2008 holiday season determined to stay healthy, sane, and slim by keeping in mind these eating suggestions.
Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite treats guilt-free. The holiday season is often about overeating followed by “next-morning guilt”. One tool to avoid this next-morning guilt is to set an intention before each meal or holiday party and follow it. For example, it may be to enjoy a slice of your favorite pecan pie and sample a few of the tasty appetizers. Another way to think about setting an intention is to ask your self “How do I want to feel tomorrow morning?” and “How do I need to behave tonight so that I wake up feeling good about my food decisions tomorrow?”
This can be the greatest challenge of all. Try to check in with your body while you’re eating. Ask yourself: “How does the food taste to me?”; “How does it smell?”; “Am I full?”, “Am I eating according to the intentions I set?”
Be sure to continue – or begin! – your exercise program. Carve out 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise 3-5x/week. Do what you enjoy most: walking, running on the beach, swimming, yoga, Pilates, climbing stairs, playing tennis, etc. Exercise increases endorphins which elevate your mood and can help manage holiday stress. Exercise also helps to burn calories and prevent against overeating.
This often leads to excessive hunger, a preoccupation with food, and not feeling satisfied. If you skip a meal you are more likely to overdo it the next time.
Sugar and simple carbohydrates, like breads, pastas, cookies and pastries, cause your blood sugar to fluctuate. This leads to increased sugar cravings and overeating. Protein stabilizes blood sugar, decreases sugar cravings, guards against overeating and helps to keep your mood stabilized. Try these excellent and easy sources of protein: a handful of nuts, hummus, hard boiled egg, turkey, fish and beans.
Hydrating your body will increase your energy, detoxify your body, nourish your organs, keep your skin healthy, reduce headaches and increase your satiety. Challenge yourself to drink an extra 8-ounce glass of water for every serving of sugar, coffee and alcohol you consume during the holidays.
The contents of this blog are for informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please see an Akasha physician or another qualified health care provider with questions regarding a medical condition or treatment.